The Writing Process, read it, follow it, and write a book of your own


The Writer

The Cloths of Heaven has been out in paperback for several years. Recently it was re-published as a kindle and is enjoying a second lease of life. It is a story of courage, determination and ambition. But ultimately it is a story of boundless friendship. Now, you could say I am jumping on the bandwagon; I say, it's finally time to put the second novel, Victims of Circumstance out there. Since all the publicity surrounding the Magdalene scandal in Ireland, I think the world is ready for this story.


The Artist

I used to run an art gallery, but a couple of years ago I decided to concentrate on writing. But fate sometimes has its own plans for you. So, unexpectedly I was given the opportunity to exhibit some of my work at a nearby business centre through a colleague With this in mind, I set up a pinterest account and created a couple of boards to display my paintings and photographs.


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John Williams wrote a masterpiece when he created Stoner

StonerStoner by John Williams
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have been wondering for a while why this book is so good. On the surface it appears to break the rules for writing compelling fiction: it tells much more than it shows, is not about a particularly (apparently) interesting character with an interesting career. Stoner, though undoubtedly an intellectual man, university professor, due to his limited EQ, and naivete, ends up not achieving anything spectacular. Yet, the narrative is rivetting. I found myself rooting for Stoner, getting angry and frustrated on his behalf, since he fails to do so for himself. Where he lets life wash over him, regardless, I the reader, felt angry, empassioned, frustrated and quite militant on his behalf.

Therein lies its strength, I think. Its ability to put the reader in a position of having to feel, having to be moved and enraged, because the protagonist does not.


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The teacher becomes the pupil

I know I should be updating my content more often and sticking to my own rules. But this last couple of months have been so extraordinary I needed every second to let all the insights and ideas sink in.
Well, after a trip home to Ireland in November, Read More…

Mental aerobics

Sportsmen and women will all tell you that when they are exercising, there comes a moment when a new level of consciousness kicks in. A moment when that voice inside their head stops telling them to give up, that they cannot go on a moment longer, or worse still, that they never should have started in the first place. When that moment comes the body and mind unite and they develop a rhythm, not too fast, not too slow. Their breathing settles, and there is no doubt in their mind that they will reach that finish line, or see the clock hit the top of the hour, or that they will keep pumping till the music stops.

With writing it’s the same process. Read More…

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