The Writing Process, read it, follow it, and write a book of your own


The Writer

The Cloths of Heaven has been out in paperback for several years. Recently it was re-published as a kindle and is enjoying a second lease of life. It is a story of courage, determination and ambition. But ultimately it is a story of boundless friendship. Now, you could say I am jumping on the bandwagon; I say, it's finally time to put the second novel, Victims of Circumstance out there. Since all the publicity surrounding the Magdalene scandal in Ireland, I think the world is ready for this story.


The Artist

I used to run an art gallery, but a couple of years ago I decided to concentrate on writing. But fate sometimes has its own plans for you. So, unexpectedly I was given the opportunity to exhibit some of my work at a nearby business centre through a colleague With this in mind, I set up a pinterest account and created a couple of boards to display my paintings and photographs.


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The sense of an ending

Just back from Ireland and as usual with a stock of books bought at the airport Eason´s that always has great bargains and special offers. This time it was the three for two offer. I use such opportunities to be more experimental in my choice of book and perhaps pick an author I have previously not read. Read More…

Narrative and point of view in popular fiction

One of my readers emailed me this week, asking for clarity on the narrative and point of view in The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho. In answer to his question, and to delve deeper into the craft of writing fiction, this article is a general analysis of the work: Read More…

The block

When it comes to the writing process there are particular subjects that continue to intrigue me. The most intriguing being the phenomenon “Writer’s Block”. It can happen to anyone, at any time. You can be right in the middle of a novel, and suddenly, despite all the meticulous preparation, and despite being highly motivated, your mind goes blank, and there you sit, in front of your computer screen, scrolling back and forth over what you’ve written, and not one single syllable comes to mind to kick start you into the next phase. Then again it can happen right at the beginning of your novel when you’ve completed your synopsis, plot line and chapter breakdown, and you simply cannot find that suitable opening sentence.

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